An expense report takes 20 minutes on average to process. Not a lot of time individually, but when a business with 20 people generates between 21 and 30 expenses per month, that’s more than a full working day spent on a task that adds no business value.
There are many better ways to spend 20 minutes than on an expense report. So, if you used Mooncard this week and saved time on your expenses, why not have a look at our ideas for productive uses of those minutes you’ve reclaimed.
This week we’re looking ahead to September with some time optimisation hacks for strategic planning, creative problem solving, and even picking up a new skill.
20 minutes
It famously takes 10,000 hours to learn a new skill – that’s over 5 years of full-time work! If you don’t have 10,000 hours to spare, watch this 20-minute TED talk where Josh Kaufman explains how to get there faster. OK, so it’s still 20 hours not 20 minutes to do the actual learning, but you could start this September and have a boosted CV by December.
40 minutes
Do you want your meetings to have more ideas and clearer decision making in under 40 minutes? Try the Lightning Decision Jam (LDJ) method. Product Design Agency AJ&Smart developed the LDJ method for more efficient group innovation and problem solving. Their theory: open-ended discussion drives fewer outcomes than a structured process where everyone contributes to both defining the problem and finding the solution. Find a step-by-step video and templates to try it with your team here.
60 minutes
Strategic planning is a daunting and often long process. Johnson and Smith’s 60 Minute Strategic Plan is a great way to jump-start the process. We like how the 2 stages make sure you consider both creative thinking and practical logistics. You can find out more about all the steps and download templates on the website: 60minutestrategicplan

See you next week for more ways you can use those minutes you saved with Mooncard.
The Mooncard Team 😃
Over 5000 companies use Mooncard to reclaim their time for better things than expense reports. Want to join them? Check out our website here, or simply fill in this form to request a personalised call from one of our experts to discuss how we can help optimise your business expense process.